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Indoor vs Outdoor Team Building

Indoor Vs Outdoor Team Building Event: Which One Should You Choose?

Team building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. Whether you are planning a team building event for a small group of people, or for a huge corporation, one of the first steps in planning is choosing a location that will allow you to achieve the goals that you have planned for the event. 

Part of that choice is to decide if it is going to be an indoor or an outdoor. Here are the things you’d need to consider before planning a team building in Singapore.

Outdoor Team Building Events

Planning an outdoor event has its own advantages. For example, if you are planning a team building for your employees, it’ll give a different cooped up setting than the usual 9-5 office setting that they are used to. The open space gives them the advantage of moving around during active games.

Apart from the unlimited space you’d have, it has also been proven by research that exposure to a forest reduces both heart rate and cortisol levels. Just by looking at photos of nature could help boost our mental health, imagine how much more it’ll help if we actually experience nature. There are so many other studies that prove outdoor activities could provide various health benefits.

While there are so many advantages in having an outdoor team building, it’s really a double-edged sword. You can never predict the weather with 100 percent accuracy. It could be nice and sunny one second, then turn to rainy and stormy the next. When planning an outdoor team building in Singapore, you have to keep this in mind to also prepare an alternative or a Plan B. Take note of the crucial aspects such as the source of electricity (if needed), if any of your team mates has seasonal allergies that could affect them or if there are any sufficient place to take cover in case the weather goes wild.

As long as you do your homework in planning your team building event in Singapore, your team will definitely enjoy the opportunity to spend their time with the team in a natural setting.

Indoor Team Building Events

On the other hand, having an indoor team building event could solve so many concerns that come from an outdoor event. You can control the temperature and bad weather will not disrupt the activities that you have planned.  Some people simply do not want to be out in the elements facing fears. Therefore, by planning an indoor team building, you can soothe some people that have occasional discomfort from being out in the open. 

However, you might face some issues if you could not find a suitable venue to comfortably allocate your team. There are so many event spaces but they might not be suitable to the number of your team. The right facility that fulfils the specific requirements of your team building itinerary can feel just as fun and active as an outdoor event with added predictability.

When it comes down to the final decision, considering the preferences of your group, the goals for the session, and the resources available to you will be the determining factors. Whether you choose to go in or out, know that achieving long-lasting, real results and keeping the team spirit alive is possible in either kind of environment.

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