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Flash Mob Team Building Program

I am sure you have watched videos in which a group of people assemble suddenly in a public place, then perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. That is what we call a flashmob. We might have seen it in movies with great musical numbers or even had the chance to witness it first hand ourselves. It is truly a unique activity and most of us would not have participated in one. After all, it is a great hassle to organise, everyone needs to be great at dancing and there needs to be a choreographer who is able to put all the steps together. Everything needs to go right for it to be a successful one.

But what if we told you it can be made possible for you to do it too, with just a little bit of effort from your side? Imagine that your friends and you are being dressed up in Orchard Road as tourists, and suddenly, out of nowhere, your friends and you kind of just dance together in sync with moves that are so captivating that managed to shock and awe the pedestrians walking with you! Well, this is what the Amazing Sparrow’s Flash Mob Teambuilding Programme is all about!

Working with a group of professional dancers, the Flash Mob Teambuilding programme aim to bring participants out of their comfort zone and dance to the rhythm of the music genre that have been chosen, doing all of that boldly in public! Not to worry if you do not have dancing background or believe that you were born with two left feet. With just a few hours of practice, even participants with no dancing background are able to pull the Flash Mob stance off! And after all, the main aim is to let your hair down and have fun.

What’s more, they can also have it all on video for their viewing pleasure at the end of the programme! This leaves them with the evidence of the unusual and probably once-in-a-lifetime activity that they have participated in, allowing them to revisit the memory by watching the video, or showing it off to their friends, bragging that they have had such a unique experience.

Flash Mob –Sparrow’s Style aims to bring teambuilding programmes to the next level so that while working together to pull of those dance moves, participants get to laugh and have the fun of their life time!! Try it! It can be quite addictive!

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