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How to Pack for a 2D1N Company Trip

No matter how short a trip is, proper packing is one of the things that should be taken into consideration. You do not want to overpack and bring too much of things that you wouldn’t need, and on the other hand, you do not want to under-pack and fail to bring your essentials. If you’re going on a two-day trip and are not sure how to pack, this article can provide you with a few pointers.

Weather, an aircraft or ferry mechanical and other unforeseen events (think 9/11) can happen and throw an entire schedule for a loop. I’ve always been wary of this possibility; therefore, I also always pack for “what if”. That doesn’t mean you have to haul along your entire luggage set. I’ll show you…here are a list of  “must haves” I have when I fly or taking a ferry.

  1. ID. Everyone needs identification to fly. If you’re traveling out of the Singapore a passport is needed even for a day trip. As a Kiasu Singaporean, I will prepare copy 2 photocopies of my passport. One I will put it in my wallet, the other I will put it in my bag/ luggage. Just in case!
  2. Credit cards and Cash. Credit cards should always be handy for emergencies such as for hotel rooms, rental cars or flight changes. Do remember to activate your POSB/ DBS Debit cards for overseas usage prior to travel.  As for cash, even though you’re just traveling for the day or two it’s possible you may end up eating at a cash-only food truck or needed a couple of bucks for driver tips. I’ve also been in the situation where a shop or restaurant had credit card machine problems and only accepting cash.
  3. Your Visions, Your Sights If you wear contacts, pack a travel-size container of your contact solution and an extra pair of contacts in case the unexpected happens such as a tear or you lose one. It would be pretty awkward to try and give a presentation and not be able to read your  notes.
  4. Makeup. Ladies, if you rely on makeup for your daily look this one applies to you. When some of my lady colleagues fly on a day trip, they bring their entire makeup kit. This is what I had learnt from them if you want to travel light, at the very least, include your basic touch-up items such as mascara, lip gloss and powder.
  5. Toothbrush and toothpaste. This is where travel-sized toiletry items come in handy. Fortunately, most hotels offer basic necessities for their guests today. The front desk normally has toothbrushes, paste, and razors and, of course, guest rooms have the basic shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and soap. But if you get stranded in an airport you may be out of luck, especially for a toothbrush, paste and deodorant. Don’t forget that airport shops do sell such items but they do close even when there are stranded passengers. If you are really too lazy to even brush, just bring along a small bottle of Lazerine, that will do the job – Just make sure its below 100ml.
  6. Chargers and International Adaptor. Never, ever leave home without a phone charger (or chargers for any other electronics you pack) and an International Adaptor. These days if you’re phone runs out of juice while you’re on the road there is no guarantee you will be able to borrow one. This way if you’re stranded or need to call home or a hotel you, at the very least, have a communication source. A typical Kiasu Singaporean will add on another external battery charger, just to be very sure!
  7. Other necessities. An extra t-shirt (Recommend dri fit material as they dry very easily), underwear (disposable ones work wonders), and change of socks are other options to pack. How much you want to bring is up to you. Remember, you can always wash items in a hotel sink if you need. I keep a sample pack of detergent in my bag – just in case.
  8. Personal Medications. If you have a weak stomach, bring along the Po Chai Pills.  If you are susceptible to colds and flus, bring along Clarinase pills as they don’t make your drowsy. If you have frequent headaches/ fever, bring along Panadols (although I don’t recommend to taking Panadols as it take a long time to be rid from your body system – if you do have frequent headaches, you should get yourself checked first).  If you have any asthma, bring along your inhaler. If you have heart problems, bring along your heart medications. Just bring along what you need most, and NOT the entire First Aid Box.
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