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Military Teambuilding Programme

Military troops are the physical human force to defend the territorial integrity and the protected domain to make people and property of a kingdom, state or a nation secure from external invasion. History has been a witness that wars in ancient civilization or even modern times have been won by a strong military force or lost by a weak one

Many of us are aware the discipline and leadership that a soldier displays. It can be seen in the way they carry themselves while talking or even executing missions.

The Military Teambuilding Programme is an interesting activity to bring the civilians participants from a corporate environment to a “military compound” to learn about teamwork, discipline, leadership, ethics and other skills which they can’t learn in their “urban jungle” – office.

The participants will be briefed on the safety aspects i.e donning the protective gear, correct handling of the ‘weapons’ and the rules of engagements. During the military teambuilding, participants in their respective teams will be given customised missions in order to train their teamwork and communication.

View Safety Briefing Video.

View Mission Video.

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