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Happy Sparrow River Safari cum Zoo Scavenger Hunt

Aim: Happy Sparrow River Safari cum Zoo Scavenger Hunt is the latest addition to the series of ‘treasure hunting’ programmes that Happy Sparrow has designed. In this special scavenger hunt programme, participants are given drawn to scale map of River Safari/ Zoom. In the map, there will be plenty of marked treasures spots. Participants will be made to carry out a series of ‘missions’ during this scavenger hunt in the fastest possible time, and have to show all their missions via photographs or video taken via their handphones.

In addition to the fun and exciting missions Happy Sparrow has designed, Sparrow has also painstakingly thought of ways to educate the participants through a series of questions through ‘scavenger hunting’ in order to let them be more aware of the animals that are currently facing extinction.

So, not only the participants are able to have lots of fun searching for treasures and fulfilling interesting missions, i.e. The Sparrow’s Mannequin Challenge, etc. The participants also get to learn about the facts of the endangered animals, understand about animals’ characteristics and so on via a series of team building activities.

This game is designed so that its very ‘elderly-friendly’. Little Sparrows (Facilitators) will be sent to checked on the participants to ensure that they are not too far out from the mission areas. However, the Little Sparrows will not know the answers to the clues given, as Happy Sparrow will refresh the clues after every programme. So it’s a brand new game for the Little Sparrows every time.

As everyone is important for the success of this mission, they will need to collaborate (Collaboration and seeing the big picture) amongst each other to help find the treasures. Communication and being open is the key to success for this Treasure Hunt Teambuilding Programme. As they only have a certain time to complete the mission, they will have to stay positive in midst of all the challenging clues.

Rationale: This scavenger hunt requires a lot of teamwork and creativity in order to solve the treasure spots. Participants have to be sensitive to their environment and be inquisitive on the visual clues that were given in order to solve all the puzzles.

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