A very interactive and funny game as nobody wants to be the ‘lucky’ one to call out the correct number!
Kind words from our clients. Read what they have to say.
Guess the “Secret Number” is a very fun and engaging game where the host will first get a secret number anywhere from 0 to 1000 or 0 to 10,000! Once the number is being generated, the host will go to the participants, one frame at a time and he will ask them to call out a number.
For example, if the secret number is 657, and if a participant calls out 100, the host will say Higher. And when the host goes to the 2nd participant, the participant has to call out another number that is higher than 100. If the 2nd participant calls out 900, the host will say ‘ lower’. This will go on until the ‘unfortunate’ or ‘fortunate’ participant calls out the correct number. The host will then turn his attention to him/ her and will ‘Zoom’ into the participant for him/ her to seal their fate in the ‘ROYAL FLUSH’ where they either get to answer a question, do a short performance or if they are lucky enough, just walk away with a Secret Present without doing anything at all! Their fate is In their hands!
Fig 1: Example of a Royal Flush
Guess the Secret Number is a very interactive and funny game as you can see participants shouting in ‘fear’ as they do not want to be the ‘lucky’ person calling out the correct number!
Fig 2: Example of a Royal Flush
Easy Ice-breakers for Participants who are able to log in with just a mobile phone, Getting to Know You Session, Communication-Based Programme
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